Nautical Chart Server Services
The MSG Chart Server is a versatile information platform enabling complex information to be shared and used in your applications such as ArcGIS, web browser etc.

MSG Chart Server
A sophisticated WMTS tiling technology enables the combination of an unlimited number of data and information layers. Smart caching and updating technology allow for super-fast uninterrupted access to your information. Information such as S57 or S100 ENC’s, nautical charts, bathymetry, meteorology, oceanology, satellite imagery, asset tracking etc. can be handled with ease and high speed. Specific underlying data can be triggered with a mouse click and may be displayed in reports with explanations and additional information.

Growing number of satisfied users
The methodology of product development includes a long-term life cycle management which results in low cost and future proof, but backward compatible, high reliability.
Our solutions serve a growing number of satisfied users, including small enterprises and the largest multinational industries. MSG Chart Server technology is also used in the applications of Hydrographic Offices. The software solution can be licensed or can be provided as a hosted service.